This phrase runs through my mind fairly often, mostly when
the house is messy or a project didn’t turn out like I’d hoped, or I read
critiques of other bloggers, who have way nicer homes than I do.
“I can’t have a house blog. Just look at that drip of paint
on the tile.”
“I can’t have a house blog. Look at how many toys are shoved
behind the chair.”
“I can’t have a house blog. Look at this shitty hem I just
sewed into these curtains. That’s it, I’m using some hem tape.”
“I can’t have a house blog. My house is nothing special.”
My insecurity is probably the main reason I stopped
blogging. There are so many DIY and decorating blogs out there, why would
anyone want to read this one? I need to get over it. Maybe no one will read
this blog, and that’s OK. Maybe someone will read this blog and think it sucks.
That’s OK too. There are no rules when it comes to blogging, so who says I can’t
have a house blog?
There are so many things I want to say about houses, the idea of home, my home, etc.
I think where I really got thrown off last time around was
that I was trying to be something I was not. I was trying to post room re-dos
and inspirational DIY projects, and sometimes I would succeed and other times I
would fail, and those failures always made me question whether I should
continue blogging. But that’s not all this blog is to me, or all I ever thought
it would be when I started it. I wanted to explore small space living and its
joys and challenges–not just those how to posts about making our living space
work better for us, but also how I feel about being stuck in a bad investment,
how I envy those who have bigger houses, how I get over these bad feelings and
make our house into a home.
There’s more to home than perfectly styled bookcases and
on-trend colors. There’s the story behind decorating choices, the interactions
we all have when setting up and living in our houses. There’s the children we
raise in a house and how they feel about it. The meals we cook, the people we
host, the memories we make.
So yeah, my house isn’t
really that special when it comes to its design. But I don’t care. I want to
write about it anyway.
Every house has a story. No matter how big, how small, how fancy or how much reno it needs. I'm excited for your story :)
Thanks Kerri! I am excited to see how this house's story unfolds too. Thanks for stopping by. :)